Wednesday, September 7, 2011

मन एव मनुष्याणाम कारणं बध मोक्षयो:

मन एव मनुष्याणाम कारणं ध मोक्षयो:

“What the mind can conceive & believe, It can achieve!”
Through this foundation negative minds can be changed into positive.

असतो माँ सद्गमय तमसोमा ज्योतिर्गमय मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय
When our mind has the assurance feeling deep inside, for any happening, slowly & gradually it definitely takes place out in the world. For that each & every negative feeling about that topic or subject, should be wiped out of the mind. And the mind must conceive that idea with successful feelings.

Whether God exist or not is a big question for them who have not yet entered the Spiritual Path. But from the ancient time we have seen that man needs somebody who protects him, guides him when he is in trouble or in a dual state of mind. Man needs somebody who showers love on him unconditionally, without any selfish motive, when man faces calamities or when he is full of misery or sorrowful events, he need a hand that pampers him or who gives courage to face the situation.

It is seen that when man is depressed or helpless & if he gets the one who cares & pampers & guides & loves him, he is again refreshed & become courageous & confident as before.

Man doesn’t like to be in Misery for more time. He always want to be happy, peaceful & loving state of mind. He feels to get out of the negative always. He is attracted towards positive. He tries to go upward, towards betterment always.

The most important thing man needs is “security”. He wants to feel secure. He is always afraid of something or somebody. It is his nature & for that he always needs somebody with him, for his security. He needs some protection, which should be strong, powerful & super-humane & that is how he believed on GOD to protect him, guide him, love him & for everything.

Many people believe in GOD & many people do not. Those who believe also have different kinds of beliefs, like some believe only in pooja-path than humanity issues. They don’t feel necessary to help people or to pamper the sorrowful minds. They don’t understand the GOD within. They give importance to rituals more.

When we accept GOD we must live with Him; by His will, surrendering Him everything. Remembering Him each moment. Praying Him, thanking Him, talking to Him. When we live on this road we can experience His existence more often.